Project Overview

In 2024, The City began a Feasibility Study for a new South Central Bus Maintenance and Storage Facility (MSF), also known as the South Central Bus Garage. This study addresses the need to relocate the existing Victoria Park Garage to a new location, expanding its capacity to accommodate future growth and the diversification of Calgary’s bus fleet.

This project aligns with The City’s 30-year RouteAhead Transit Strategy and Transportation Plan. Calgary Transit has identified the need for additional bus garages, to keep pace with city growth. A new bus maintenance and storage facility will effectively bridge the gap and accommodate the necessary expansion and modernization efforts planned by Calgary Transit. The new South Central Bus Garage will replace the Victoria Park Garage, increasing bus maintenance and storage capacity to support transit needs of Calgarians for years to come.

Project Location

Building upon prior studies (2016-2018), Stage 1 of the South Central Bus Garage project sought to confirm the viability of two City-owned sites in the SE Calgary community of Alyth/Bonnybrook/Manchester for potential bus MSF use. The Burbank Road Site is a 74-acre parcel owned by The City, located east of Blackfoot Trail, west of 11th Street, and bisected by the proposed 50th Avenue S.E. Extension Right of Way. The Highfield Crescent Site is a 16-acre parcel located immediately east of 11 Street S.E., south of Highfield Crescent S.E., and bisected by a proposed extension of 50 Avenue S.E.

The South Central Bus MSF study works to understand the technical, environmental, social, and financial implications associated with these locations.

There are no other City-owned sites that satisfy Calgary Transit’s current and future requirements (City-owned, suitably sized, centrally located sites with adequate access and appropriate zoning).

Both City-owned sites involve land currently leased to community organizations.

Next Steps

Stage 1 of the South Central Bus MSF study (feasibility and needs analysis) is complete. We are now transitioning from the Stage1 feasibility study to Stage 2 master planning for the new sites. This includes planning for initial relocation of the bus MSF with space for future expansion, including added Transit functions required in central Calgary. As we begin Stage 2 of the study (site master planning, land use planning, and Victoria Park decommissioning strategy), we are sharing project updates with interested parties.

The City will ensure that impacted tenants who operate on City-owned lands are informed of our work and planning, to understand and prepare for any future impacts on their operations.

The South Central Bus MSF Feasibility Study and Masterplan project will take two years in total to complete, to end 2025.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is The City doing the South Central Bus Garage Feasibility Study?

Calgary's public transit system is preparing for significant growth, with challenges along the way. Calgary Transit must integrate new vehicle technologies, replace aging facilities, and develop new infrastructure amidst ongoing urban development projects. Over the next 30 years, The City's population is expected to increase by nearly half a million people, significantly raising the demand for efficient and sustainable transit services. The 2023 RouteAhead long-term transit strategy highlights the need for increased service hours, additional buses, and facilities to meet targets in the Calgary Transportation Plan and Municipal Development Plan.

Why does The City need a new Bus Maintenance and Storage Facility?

Calgary Transit has identified the need for additional bus garages before 2050, to keep pace with growth. One of these garages will replace the Victoria Park Garage as part of the Rivers District planning initiative, which will convert the Victoria Park site for residential use. The South Central Bus Garage is not only strategically positioned to address this need but also represents a unique opportunity.

No other sites are City-owned, suitably sized, centrally located, with adequate access and zoning. The South Central Bus Garage will effectively bridge the gap and accommodate the necessary expansion and modernization efforts planned by Calgary Transit.

What is the business case?

Public transit service in Calgary is expected to grow significantly due to population growth and the City’s 2023 RouteAhead plan, which emphasizes public transit and calls for significant service expansions to meet future transportation needs. Investment in the Primary Transit Network will focus on increased bus service hours, and growing demand for buses in the SE regardless of Green Line LRT development.

Currently, Calgary’s public transit facilities require added capacity for transit operations, bus fleet storage, and maintenance.

What is a feasibility study?

A feasibility study reviews the potential costs, opportunities, and implications of developing a specific location or locations. It considers operational requirements, technical, environmental, social, and financial implications of development, as well as potential economic impacts and community feedback. It is a preliminary planning tool, and may include geotechnical, environmental, traffic, historical and/or archaeological assessments, and more. The scope of a project may evolve as a feasibility study progresses and brings new considerations to light.

What is a maintenance and storage facility (MSF)?

A bus maintenance and storage facility provides indoor storage for buses and has space for maintenance/repair and fueling of the fleet. Additional transit operations may also be located at the MSF site to realize operating efficiencies.

How were these lands originally selected to be included in a feasibility study?

These are City-owned lands. They were deemed feasible due to size, location, and access for buses. A central location is required to reduce Calgary Transit operating costs due to the volume of transit service that begins and ends downtown.

How did The City decide which lands it will be using?

Decisions are based on all the data collected as part of this study, as well as corporate facility planning recommendations, and overarching transit needs and policies.

Once complete, how will The City use the study?

As part of the study, we will create a site Master Plan, which is essentially a preferred design concept for the new facility. The City will also recommend a funding strategy for future design and construction.

Detailed design and construction of a new South Central Bus Garage facility are not currently funded.

How many buses will the South Central Bus Garage hold?

The initial replacement for Victoria Park Garage will accommodate a minimum of 250 buses and the site is being designed to accommodate up to 500 buses to meet the growing demand for bus transit in the central area. We have not yet determined the exact scale of the initial build or subsequent expansion.

Project timeline

  • Jan 2025: Phase 1 South Central Bus Garage Feasibility Study completed
  • Feb 2025: Phase 2 Master Plan underway
  • Summer 2025: Outline Planning for Land Use
  • Q4 2025 TBC: Outline Plan to Council for approval
  • Q4 2025-Q2 2026: Feasibility Study and Masterplan complete
  • Q1 2027 TBC: Anticipated Construction start

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