What is the UPass?
We’ve teamed up with post-secondary schools in Calgary to offer students a reduced fare based on a four month semester. The premise of UPass is that we would collect the same amount of fare revenue from a universal charge to all students as we would if individual students were to purchase an adult monthly pass.
The UPass is currently available on My Fare for post-secondary students at five major schools in Calgary: SAIT, University of Calgary, Mount Royal University, Alberta University of the Arts, and St. Mary's University.

Conditions of use
The UPass must be activated on My Fare or Transit app prior to boarding a bus or entering a fare restricted area and the activated pass must be scanned upon boarding a bus. The participant's school identification card MUST be carried at all times when riding transit and presented, along with their activated UPass, to bus operators or to peace officers on demand while on transit.
The UPass is not transferable and may only be used by the participant whose name and photo appear on their school identification card.
The UPass participant is responsible for knowing the effective dates of their program and to ensure that they have a valid school identification card on their possession.
In order to access the UPass, participants must download the My Fare app or Transit app on their smartphone and set up a myID account using their school email address (e.g. @ucalgary.ca, @mtroyal.ca, etc.). The UPass will be automatically sent to the participant’s ticket wallet in their My Fare app or Transit app.
The participant is responsible for ensuring their smartphone is operational (e.g. battery is charged) while taking transit.
Information on valid dates is available on campus advertising or the institution's web-site. If you have any questions, you should contact the Registrar's office at your institution.